Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from July 1, 2018 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting July 1, 2018: The Last Cartographer Of Moons

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Jim Carroll  Pools Of Mercury   Favoriting Pools of Mercury  Mercury  1996  author of "The Basketball Diaries," a collection of entries from his personal diaries as a teenager    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Plaid  Unbank   Favoriting Scintilli  Warp  2011  duo Ed Handley & Andy Turner (of Black Dog Productions) from London    0:03:59 (Pop-up)
Rebel Sketchy / Jack Lemmon & Al Pacino  Freq Out! / The Only Arrangement That I'll Accept is Full Commitment   Favoriting Ground Level Summer Vibes Pt.2 (V/A) / Glengarry Glen Ross  Ground Level Breaks  2013  AKA David Gammie    0:07:47 (Pop-up)
Ame / Alec Baldwin & Ed Harris  Rej / I'm Here On A Mission Of Mercy...ABC Always Be Closing   Favoriting The Other Side - Berlin (V/A) / Glengarry Glen Ross  Resist Music  2007  AKA Frank Wiedmann & Kristian Beyer / orig. released as a 12" in 2005    0:13:48 (Pop-up)
Komputer / Alec Baldwin  Komputer Pop / Close!   Favoriting The World of Tomorrow / Glengarry Glen Ross  Mute  1998  David Baker & Simon Leonard / AKA Fortran 5, I Start Counting & John Came    0:21:31 (Pop-up)
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan  The Visitor From Inner Space   Favoriting Popular Electronics: Early Dutch Electronic Music 1956-1963 (V/A) (4-CD set)  Basta  2004  orig. released by Philips in 1957 on "Electronic Music" by The Electrosoniks (AKA Tom Dissevelt & Dick Raaijmockers)    0:27:29 (Pop-up)
DJ Phys  Invisiblx   Favoriting Poisonous Gxm  Alrealon  2009  AKA Philippe Gerber    0:30:22 (Pop-up)
Ryuichi Sakamoto  Salvation   Favoriting Discord  For Life  1997  contains the following poem by David Sylvian: When the little one came / A hole was blown open / A partial surrendering in the midst of knowing / And for an instance the constant heart shed its own tears / Wave upon wave carried me over / Beyond the peripheries of hope and fear / Deadening the voice of relentless biography / I stood at the center and danced at the extremities / Mapping the city as subtle as silence / Then on, outwards, into the darkness // When the crazy one came / She placed her finger on my forehead / And pushed on through / I woke up, face on fire / Spitting out diamonds / Thoroughly lost to logic / Craving her madness    0:34:15 (Pop-up)
Alley  Ambient #3   Favoriting 17  New Model Label  2018  AKA Daniele Bogon from Padova, Italy  *   0:46:29 (Pop-up)
Indigolab  Conscious   Favoriting The Last Cartographer of Dreams  Bandcamp  2013  AKA Tom Moore from Leicester, UK / aliases: Dead Melodies & Understated Theory    0:51:45 (Pop-up)
Younger Brother  Elephant Machine   Favoriting The Last Days of Gravity  Twisted Records  2007  2nd album from Benji Vaughan & Simon Posford (founder of Twisted Records) with vocals by Chester Taylor    1:05:35 (Pop-up)
Conrad Schnitzler / Tom Cruise  Gelb 1 & 2 / This Society Lied To Me   Favoriting Gelb / Alrealon presents Tomorrow's Universe / Born On The Fourth Of July  Bureau B  2014  orig. self-released on cassette in 1974 as "The Black Cassette"    1:11:36 (Pop-up)
Chicane  Early   Favoriting Far From the Maddening Crowd  Warner  1997  Nicholas Bracegirdle from Britain (AKA Andreas Van Hoog, Disco Citizens, Moogmonkey & Rebel Transcanner)    1:20:28 (Pop-up)
Eluvium / Ralph Fiennes / Dougray Scott & Drew Barrymore  Shuffle Drones / Sonnet # 129 (by William Shakespeare) / I Came To Rescue You   Favoriting Shuffle Drones / Ever After  Temporary Residence  2017  AKA Matthew Cooper / "Shuffle Drones" is a 23-track collection of pieces: Simply Put...The Suggested Manner...Of Listening...To This Work...Is To Isolate...The Collection...And To Randomize...The Play Pattern...On Infinite Repeat –...Thus Creating...A Shuffling...Drone Orchestration...– The Intent...Is To Create...A Body...Of Work...Specifically Designed For...And In Disruption Of...Modern Listening Habits...And To Suggest Something...Peaceful, Complex...Unique, And Ever-changing...Thank You    1:24:05 (Pop-up)
Daniel Lentz  Creme De Potiron Aux Petit Lardons Et Girolles   Favoriting Huit Ou Neuf Pieces Dorees A Point (Eight Or Nine Golden Pieces At Point)  Aoede  2006  founded the Aoede label, named for the Greek muse of song    1:36:33 (Pop-up)
Ilhan Mimaroglu  Fragmentation   Favoriting Electronic Music For Jean Dubuffet's Coucou Bazar  Finnadar  1973  born in Istanbul, Turkey / album recorded at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center / composed for Jean Dubuffet's painting, "Coucou Bazar," which opened at the Guggenheim Museum in NY in 1973    1:38:36 (Pop-up)
Jonah Sirota  When You Lose You Win   Favoriting Strong Sad: Elegies For Everyday Loss  National Sawdust Tracks  2018  debut solo album by violinist from Chiara String Quartet  *   1:43:58 (Pop-up)
C. Diab  Butterflies   Favoriting Exit Rumination  Injazero  2018  sophomore album by Vancouver, Canada-based trumpeter, tape manipulator & bowed guitarist  *   1:52:03 (Pop-up)
Immersion  Hovertron   Favoriting Sleepless  Swim  2018  Colin Newman (Wire) & Malka Spiegel (Minimal Compact) / founders of the Swim label  *   2:06:50 (Pop-up)
Tom Flynn  Cup Of Joe   Favoriting Fabric 99: Sasha  Fabric  2018  from UK / album compiled by Sasha (AKA Alexander Paul Coe)  *   2:11:49 (Pop-up)
Synth Sisters / Cher, Nicholas Cage & Danny Aiello  w/o/n/d/e/r/f/u/l / In Time, You'll Drop Dead And I'll Come To Your Funeral In A Red Dress   Favoriting Euphoria / Moonstruck  EM Records  2018  2nd release from Osaka-based Rie Lambdoll (synths, electric piano & voice) & MAYUKO (synths)  *   2:13:30 (Pop-up)
Strafe F.R.  Pianosmoke   Favoriting The Bird Was Stolen  Touch  2018  Strafe Fur Rebellion (translates roughly to "Penalty For Rebellion") / AKA Bernd Kastner & Siegfried M. Syniuga  *   2:20:51 (Pop-up)
Leon Vynehall  English Oak (Chapter VII)   Favoriting Nothing Is Still  Ninja Tune  2018  based in Portsmouth, UK / in Lazlo Dancehall  *   2:23:58 (Pop-up)
Hoshiko Yamane  Go Over   Favoriting Threads  1631 Recordings  2018  3rd solo album from Japanese violinist based in Berlin / current member of Tangerine Dream  *   2:27:58 (Pop-up)
Sybarite5  Getting Home (I Must Be...)   Favoriting Outliers  Sybarite5  2018  2nd full-length album / piece composed by Jessica Meyer (2015) / Sami Merdinian & Sarah Whitney (violins); Angela Pickett (viola); Laura Metcalf (cello); Louis Levitt (bass) / A "sybarite" is a sensualist; a voluptuary; a person who is self-indulgent in their fondness for sensuous luxury or pleasure (from the ancient Greek town of Sybaris, full of citizens who loved nice things)  *   2:33:44 (Pop-up)
Cheebacca  Ruff-E-Nuff   Favoriting Ruff-E-Nuff  Cheebacca  2018  from Oberstaufen, Germany  *   2:36:51 (Pop-up)
Shaper  1992   Favoriting 1992 EP - Live At The Brixton Academy 15-03-92  Bandcamp  2018  AKA Neil Gaeggeler from Lausanne, Switzerland / set as a fictional bootleg cassette recording of a live Shaper performance from 1992  *   2:41:09 (Pop-up)
Hans Fjellestad  The Keeper   Favoriting 25 (V/A)  Accretions  2010  director of "Moog," the documentary on Robert Moog    2:44:38 (Pop-up)
mNIPK  FT32   Favoriting Paul Auster's Tears  Alrealon Musique  2010  duo Philippe Gerber (JOHN 3:16) & Chris Gilmore (FluiD)    2:50:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Good morning Carol and Sunday morning folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am

Good Morning Duke, Carol and fellow listeners. A nice moon to the south this morning.
Avatar 6:06am

Hello, Duke!
Avatar 6:07am

Good morning, jkeigh! Yes, I saw it on my way in. Lovely:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09am

Good morning Carol and listeners
Avatar 6:12am

Morning, fred:)
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Jack Lemmon. So good.
Avatar 6:20am

debt collector:

Carol! Good morning and love from Burlington VT.
Avatar 6:26am

Good morning, debt collector! Love from JC:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28am

I haven't seen Glengarry Glenross since I had a part time job at West Coast video 15 years ago. I forgot how intense the movie was
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am

I have good and bad personal memories tied to that Sakamoto record
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am

I love this Soliloquy by David Sylvian on Salvation. @fred, me too. It was a weird time when I bought this and my life was going through some changes that I wasn't quite ready for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am

I saw Sakamoto play earlier this year, the first time I saw him do a solo show. It was great
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:50am

THIS is how i like to wake up before the coffee kicks in...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50am

@ Fred. I'm sure it was. I've never seen him live except for when he came on stage during David Sylvian's show at the Town Hall many moons ago. Still one of the best concerts I'd ever seen and I was sitting behind Ingrid Chavez and her baby. The baby didn't make a peep during the show.
Avatar 6:51am

Hey, dale! Glad you could be here:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and everybody. Here is a recent moonrise. apod.nasa.gov... The large moon was floating along next to bright red Mars last night.
Avatar 7:11am

@Ken: Wow, that sure is some moon! Thanks:)
Avatar 7:29am
Aaron Working In Newark:

Loving your show!!!
Avatar 7:31am

Welcome, Aaron! Happy you are liking:)

Morning Carol, friends.
Avatar 7:48am

Good morning, Zetti:)
Avatar 7:56am
Ruth Booth:

Happy Summer!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:58am

Good morning Carol and all, another fine show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

I was lucky enough to get my swag early. About 3 or so weeks ago.
Lynn's Brother:

Good morning everybody. Schnitsler’s album gelb means yellow in German. But when released in a black cassette, was probably popularly known as the (black) yellow album.
Avatar 8:10am

Happy Summer to you, Ruth!
Avatar 8:10am

Good morning, Kevin-san!
Avatar 8:10am

Thanks for the info, Lynn's Brother!
Avatar 8:35am

Guten morgen, Carol, Jessica Meyer, new to me!
Avatar 8:36am

Guten morgen, northguineahills!
Avatar 8:43am

yummy junglist breaks!
Avatar 8:48am

Ah, I saw the Moog doc, my friend, Pamelia was in it....
Cooh John:

Good morning everyone. @Lynn's Brother: how is everything on your side of the Olentangy?
Avatar 8:55am

Morning Cooh John:)
Cooh John:

Going to see Cheryl Crow this week. Don't suppose there's a connection?
Avatar 8:57am

There's always a connection....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. Have a toasty warm week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Thanks for another wonder (and way too fast) 3 hours. Hope you get to hear some real ocean soon.
Avatar 9:03am

Thanks all for listening! Enjoy your Sunday:)
Avatar 9:03am

Thanks, Ken! Thank you, jkeigh!
Philippe Gerber:

Thank you, Carol!
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