Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 23, 2020 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting March 23, 2020: The Heart of It All

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
L.A. Takedown  There Is a Drone in Griffith Park   Favoriting Our Feeling of Natural High  Castle Face  2020  CD    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Harmonia  Walky-Talky   Favoriting Deluxe  Lilith  2006  CD  From 1975    0:18:00 (Pop-up)
Trupa Trupa  Fitzcarraldo   Favoriting I'll Find EP  Glitterbeat  2020  CD    *   0:28:35 (Pop-up)
Arbouretum  How Deep It Goes   Favoriting Let It All In  Thrill Jockey  2020  CD    *   0:33:41 (Pop-up)
Cornershop  St Marie Under Canon   Favoriting England Is a Garden  Ample Play  2020  MP3    *   0:45:45 (Pop-up)
Faye  Blue Flower   Favoriting Best of WFMU's Hoof & Mouth Sinfonia, 2001-2019  WFMU  2020  CD-R  our own Faye singing Slapp Happy, 2019  *   0:48:41 (Pop-up)
Secret Dynamics  Happy   Favoriting Kearney Barton: Architect of the Northwest Sound  Light in the Attic  2020  CD  From 1991  *   0:52:41 (Pop-up)
Loving  January   Favoriting If I Am Only My Thoughts  Last Gang  2020  CD    *   0:55:32 (Pop-up)
Mike Sedgewick  Pollution Song   Favoriting Tea & Symphony: The English Baroque Sound 1967-1974  Ace  2020  CD  From 1971  *   0:58:12 (Pop-up)
Isobel Campbell  The Heart of It All   Favoriting There Is No Other  Cooking Vinyl  2020  MP3    *   1:00:59 (Pop-up)
Emitt Rhodes  Better Side of Life   Favoriting Mirror  Dunhill-abc  1971  LP      1:05:41 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Bardot  Une Histoire de Plage   Favoriting La Belle et Le Blues  Ace International  2020  CD  From 1964  *   1:08:50 (Pop-up)
Yumi Zouma  Cool for a Second   Favoriting Truth or Consequences  Polyvinyl  2020  CD    *   1:10:23 (Pop-up)
Mysterio  No volver a vagar   Favoriting Mysterio  Munster  2020  LP    *   1:13:40 (Pop-up)
Agincourt  When I Awoke   Favoriting Fly Away  Merlin  1974  MP3  From 1970    1:16:41 (Pop-up)
Norma Tanega  Illusion   Favoriting Sad About the Times  Anthology Recordings  2019  CD  From 1971    1:19:51 (Pop-up)
Prabha Devi  Spanish Harlem   Favoriting Kearney Barton: Architect of the Northwest Sound  Light in the Attic  2020  CD  From 1970  *   1:23:25 (Pop-up)
The Ventures  Downtown   Favoriting More Long-Lost Honkers & Twangers  Ace  2020  CD  previously unreleased alternate version, 1970  *   1:25:22 (Pop-up)
Swamp Dogg  Don't Take Her (She's All I Got)   Favoriting Sorry You Couldn't Make It  Joyful Noise Recordings  2020  CD    *   1:28:34 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s in a random row
Peter and Gordon  Morning's Calling   Favoriting single  Capitol  1966  45      1:43:28 (Pop-up)
Ambergris  The Bible Salesman   Favoriting single  Paramount  1970  45      1:46:01 (Pop-up)
The Original Gospel Harmonettes  Let's Come in the House   Favoriting single  Savoy  1961  45      1:49:34 (Pop-up)
Anya's Street  There's One Kind of Favor   Favoriting single  Verve Forecast  1968  45      1:52:22 (Pop-up)
The Chordettes  All My Sorrows   Favoriting single  Cadence  1962  45      1:55:25 (Pop-up)
R.E.M.  Maps and Legends   Favoriting single  I.R.S.  1987  45  going out to Kevin Nutt; live 5.24.87    1:57:45 (Pop-up)
Marvin Gaye  Me and My Lonely Room   Favoriting single  Tamla  1970  45  From 1964    2:00:56 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Emotional Rescue   Favoriting single  Rolling Stones  1980  45      2:03:53 (Pop-up)
RVG  Little Sharkie and the White Pointer Sisters   Favoriting Feral  Fire  2020  CD    *   2:19:34 (Pop-up)
The Only Ones  Flaming Torch   Favoriting The Peel Sessions  Strange Fruit  1989  CD  12/19/78    2:21:48 (Pop-up)
Shopping  All or Nothing   Favoriting All or Nothing  Fat Cat  2020  CD    *   2:23:59 (Pop-up)
The Au Pairs  Love Song   Favoriting Live in Berlin  a.k.a.  1983  LP  live in 1981    2:27:15 (Pop-up)
Cable Ties  Hope   Favoriting Far Enough  Merge  2020  CD    *   2:30:06 (Pop-up)
Automatic  Signal   Favoriting Signal  Stones Throw  2019  CD      2:36:36 (Pop-up)
PVA  Divine Intervention   Favoriting single  Speedy Wunderground  2019  MP3      2:39:43 (Pop-up)
Cold Beat  Through   Favoriting Mother  DFA  2020  CD    *   2:43:26 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Decades   Favoriting Closer  Factory  2007  CD  From 1980    2:48:23 (Pop-up)
Georgia Ruth  Mai   Favoriting Mai  Bubblegum Collective  2020  MP3    *   2:53:27 (Pop-up)
Eggs Over Easy  Across from Me   Favoriting Good 'N' Cheap: The Eggs Over Easy Story  Yep Roc  2016  CD  From 1971    2:59:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01am

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Baja Joe:

Yip yip yip! Hello Joe!
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Mornin Joe!
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Good morning skeleton DJ Joe.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01am

The Great Joe McGasko!!
John from Florham park:

Hello fellow surface noise listeners
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Greetings to Good Sir McGasko & all listeners/commenters.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Yip yip me strength
John from Florham park:

Morning p20
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Handy Haversack:

Morning, Joe, and all the Yippers!

Just a week ago we woke up in Jersey City and were beginning to make our way home during Surface Noise. Hell of a week since then!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
David (in London):

Hello Noiseniks.
Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Good morning Joe and all my fellow FMUers

greetings from rainy Chiloe, Chile!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
David (in London):

Handy - I know, that's one of the weirdest things - how quickly this has all come down so heavy.

Radio!!! Anyone hear Michael Stipe's "Drive to the Ocean," in part a homage to radio. Echoes of Leonard Cohen, in a way.
John from Florham park:

@DIL anything for your president to do:)
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Irene Trudel:

HappyHappyHappyHappy, BoingBoingBoingBoing! Joe is here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

howdy joe & all
Avatar 9:04am

Good morning Joe...Thanks for being there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Good morning Joe and yipsters
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@woo: if you are here - just found this, you might be interested. Monkees/Chicago connection - they filmed musical sequences at the studio in Chicago that later turned ino Ophra's "Harpo" studio chicagoradioandmedia.com... .

Live Radio is meaningful, especially now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Andrew Waterloo:

Morning :)
John from Florham park:

@Coleen did you get my message about Therese show from yesterday
Avatar 🎸 9:06am

Totally irrelevant trivia but it might be of interest to Chicago-area Monkees enthusiasts. :)
John from Florham park:

@Deborah a very big YES

Morning Joe and fellow listeners, this means a lot right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Joe McG:

Hey, everyone! Thanks for joining me today. It's a pleasure to be with you as always.
  Swag For Life Member 9:07am

Morning Joe
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Thanks to all WFMU for keeping it going. You are really helping us get through this.
Avatar 9:08am

Good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Steve from Dunwoody:

@p20 ditto
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Baja Joe:

@Deborah, Thanks for the rec on Stipe. Will def seek it out and give it a listen. I'm an ole' "original lineup" R.E.M. fanatic. Haven't listened in a while though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Morning Joe and all!
Avatar 9:09am

nice yippin start to the show big Joe McG!
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Webhamster Henry:

Good morning Joe! We made it to Monday!
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Thanks to all the truckers and rail workers keeping goods flowing.
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Rob (Jerzcity):

Skelton Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Yippee Yappee and Yahooey.

Only The Bonely
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My sister lives below Griffith Park I wonder is she sees the drone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
David (in London):

@John - We are lining up a photo session for midweek. Your full ceremonial robes will be needed. Then you can sign the photos with inspiring messages, to be sent out as morale-boosters in these trying times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

good morning WFMU <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Baja Joe:

Drove my son to his apparently "essential service" job this morning to keep him off public transportation. Noticed the roads were quite crowded at 0615 hours. Can't imagine all these drivers are part of the "essential services" crowd. Very strange to see as I was expecting empty streets on Staten Island.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am

Hola Mcgasko & co
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am

Is this Surface noise fresh, or canned?
John from Florham park:

@DIL sounds good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Joe McG:

@Andrew: I'm fresh as a spring day.
Avatar 9:12am

@queems if your still here, that does look like a good cone lol. ill have to make it back there soon, maybe take my little cousin to keep the tradition alive!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am

Enjoying Harmonia. Hiya Joltin' Joe McGasko, hi everyone.
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Handy Haversack:

Morning, @porchy!
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Hughie Considine:

Harmonia is heavenly! Greetings, (well-scrubbed) Surface Noise fans...
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Morning Handy! Laying in bed frozen and staring at fmu message boards while listening is one of most comforting things to do these days
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The Oscar:

Mornin' all! Live shows are such a comfort, and Surface Noise doubly so-- godspeed brave skeletons!
Earth Walker:

P20 thanks for the link
I remember the Monkeys on TV when I was a kid
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Handy Haversack:

Nice, Porchy. Like an idiot, I just start working as soon as I'm up and scrubbed. Trying to remind myself to stop early.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Andrew Waterloo:

Certainly is a good start to my work-from-home-day
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@Baja Joe: Streets seem pretty quiet here in Chicago. Maybe Midwesterners are better at following orders?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Thanx for being there joe I look forward to stuffing envelopes with you guys asap

Does anyone know that song where it keeps repeating the lyric wah wah wichita or something that sounds like that. It’s definitely been played on wfmu
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Brian in UK:

Hey Joe. Think the next few weeks will have some of the busiest comments boards for the last ten years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am

@Joe McG that's what I like to hear!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
David (in London):

Yeah, thanks for keeping the live flag flying high Joe. We surely do all appreciate it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Joe and everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am

Good morning, Joe! Thank you for your service.

Thanks for the live-ness, Joe.
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Brian in UK:

@David (in London), new album? Could I suggest 'To Meet Us Apart'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Joe McG:

@Brian: Yes, it's pretty remarkable. Usually, there's a hardy crew who are up this early for the start of the show, but most drop by somewhere in the middle. Nice to have you all here!
John from Florham park:

@BIUK I think last Monday was the start of busy comment boards
Avatar 9:20am

Hats off to the skeletons in the radio office towers.
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@Earth Walker: I grew up with the Monkees on TV. At the end of the show, when they sang "We may be comin' to your town!" I always got excited - the Monkees are coming to Sleepytown, NJ to spread their high-spirited antics! Hooray! But they never showed up. That may have been the beginning of my disillusionment and loss of innocence.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Maybe everyone on the skeleton crew should get a new radio name. Joe how about "T-bone" ,for you? T-bone-T-bone,T-bone !!!
Avatar 9:21am

We have the Tone Deaf Award winner for the year. Someone in my company just sent an email to the entire IT team with the subject line "VIRUS." Can you all guess what it was about?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
David (in London):

Hey Brian. That's actually a good shout. I'm going to jot that one down for later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

@Baja — Here from my vantage on Ocean Parkway — one of the main drags in Brooklyn — there are still too many cars rolling.
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ben abs:

Thanks for being here Joe. Afternoon David! Morning TDK & Handy Hope you are All doing well
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Hey Joe! Lovely opening set. Appreciate you more than ever on this solitary Monday morning!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

206 bones in the human skeleton. At three shifts per day, we run out of bones in fewer than ten weeks.
Avatar 9:25am

Hey there Ben Abs. Out west in Stroud?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
David (in London):

Hey Ben. Are you in Stroud now?
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Handy Haversack:

@Ken -- let's organize a bone drive.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25am

Mornin SheilaB - great remote show on Friday
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Just tuning in ... Hi everybody, stay safe – and thanks for the show, Joe. Don't know if you're a proud member of the skeleton crew, broadcasting from home or pre-recorded this show – in any case, it's good to at least still have those little constants in life like favourite WFMU shows
John from Florham park:

@Djsheilab great show on Friday as usual, will you do a live show from your kitchen?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Ben! Doing OK. Standing. Working. Hearing. Grooving. You good?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Irene Trudel:

Yes, big hugs to Joe, Station Manager Ken for keeping our WFMU lifeline going!
John from Florham park:

@Ben abs morning
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Brian in UK:

David (in London) it is beautiful here. Unfortunately I have had a cold since last Friday. Yes folks, colds are still permitted. Fired up the rotavator to turn over the allotment. What larks, Pip.
Earth Walker:

p20. I went from the Monkeys to the Grateful Dead LSD
Oh those damn Monkeys !!!
Avatar 9:27am

Joe is part of the live radio skeleton crew. Ken listed 6 or 7 folks as part of that.
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Handy Haversack:

@Brian, yeah, Kate's had a cold, too. Insult to injury, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Joe McG:

Sheila's show on Friday was really special. Be sure to check out the archive.
Dennis Diken:

Good morning to Joe & everybody! great to be here with you all
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28am

@djsheilab: Happy Nowruz !
Avatar 9:28am

@TDK60: Thanks for the info. Things can't go to normal soon enough for me, but I guess it will still take a while ...
Earth Walker:

Hi TDK 60
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Stay safe Joe McG and everyone! Thank you for the beautiful music today and every Monday!
John from Florham park:

@Jie mcG more the usual, you are all stepping up your game
Avatar 9:29am

Bon jour Earth Walker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

I've been having difficulty getting up and maintaining any kind of schedule but since I need to go grocery shopping and don't know what to expect when I arrive I'm trying to get my ass in gear and not dilly-dally.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

Hi Joe. Wonderful to hear you
Doug C.:

@Joe McG I heard Shelia's show and have listened to it three times. It really is a special show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

A sort of schedule will happen @melinda, and then some days it just wont. I couldn't force it last week. Hope today is easier for you and kind to yourself.
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Handy Haversack:

@melinda, probably best to do it early and steal a march on most folks.
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Brian in UK:

I think that WFMU is really lucky to have finished the marathon when it did. Just a few more nudges to get over the line but please stop $5 dollars short. Much as I think that Ken is above reproach there are some things that.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Joe McG:

@Doug C: She's the greatest. I mean you, Sheila!
John from Florham park:

@Melinda still on my pjs and just want to go back to bed but alas no, got to get to the post office
Avatar 9:33am

Well it wasn't about COVID-19, I'll tell you that much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
David (in London):

@Brian - Yes, it is absolutely glorious here too. A proper Spring day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am

@Handy that's the idea, shopping for lower-risk people starts in 27 minutes at my co-op! Most anxious about egg supply.
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ben abs:

@David TDK Handy, yep bunkering down out west, taking the dog up the hills to get some well distanced fresh air occasionally. FMU is actually really helpful as some semblance of normal routine during strange times. Hola Gohn, hope all is well in Florham park. @Brian, where you based?

Good morning Joe and all!
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

If the station smells like bleach you could pretend that you are sitting by the pool (now closed).
Listener Robert:

Yay, skeletons!

Hi Joe glad you are live
Avatar 9:35am

My apartment smells like wood stain. I'm building a bookcase.

Slap that body!
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Handy Haversack:

Why you hitting yourself, Joe? Why you hitting yourself?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
dave wuz here:

we have flesh slap varification
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@melinda - Try to remain one JRU (Joe Ramone Unit) away from your fellow shoppers.
robyn and 6-yr old mini glistener ajax:

hi joe, sending good vibes from pa to you all:)
Santos L Halper:

@Ben 9:18- That's probably Wichi-Tai-To. Many versions, most great (never mind what Irwin thinks); Ken played the Jim Pepper one last Wednesday.

Morning Joe, nice to hear you!

Ah thx!!!
ami ad:

Hello D.J. Hello all.Good to hear a live and direct show.Power to the D.J's and skeleton crew,and the station that's helping it go thru.Thanks much .
Hi from Holland:


Good ol’ Klaus Kinski.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:38am
Brian in UK:

Another German band Popol Vuh did the Fitzcarraldo soundtrack.

Thank you for doing what you do, Joe. It’s so nice to hear a voice in real time. #live :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Sounds like an alien trying to pass in polite society. "My name is…Dave. Dave…uhhhh…HUMAN."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

@Ken haha, I'll try, but it's a small store. Wish I had a mask.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Rob W:

New Cornershop!!!!!!!!
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

Love the new Cornershop record!
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Brian in UK:

melinda, I hear that balaclavas are the must have this Spring.
ami ad:

Big respect to Ms. Lupe Hernandez for inventing the hand sanitizer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am

I believe that an actual ship was moved across an actual mountain for the filming.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Phillippe Bastille:

Good morning! Great song to tune in to
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Also thanks for being there, Joe!
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Handy Haversack:

Good call, Greg. I don't trust it!

This sounds great.

@iiibeat: yup.

Good ol’ Lupe Hernandez.
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Matt Fiveash:

Yes! All time H&M top ten.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Faye can actually sing. That's cheating!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am

While this March feels like the longest month ever, next week is April. Project forward. As Criswell said in Plan 9 from Outer Space, we are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.

WFMU is an essential service. I think the Democrats blocked the aid package because there wasn’t enough support for WFMU in it
wendy del formaggio:

Sing it, Faye!
Avatar 9:44am

Darn, was outta the room during the new Cornershop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Greg from ZONE 5:

@Woo: And future events such as these will affect YOU in the future!
member of human:

Hello folkZ I'm late to the party, what did I miss
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Wow, Faye rox!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Rich in Bay Ridge:

This is great...Faye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

many great songs and a lot of comments, human
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..but there are the WFMU archives, turning out to be very helpful too in this current situation.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks to (I presume) Scott Williams for disinfecting the New Bin over the weekend.
member of Human:

HehHehe seems very nice thankS
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

Joe, you're not living at the station, are you? You still go home sometimes, right?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:51am
LW Rhino:

Today's show is even more soothing than usual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am
Joe McG:

@steveo: Oh, sure. WFMU to home, home to WFMU, repeat. I'm happy to have somewhere else to go.
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Handy Haversack:

How do the streets of JC look, @Joe McG?

Sunshine Pop with a catastrophe theme. A hedged bet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Joe McG:

@Handy: There are people around. Some telephone crew seems to be working at the back of the building. The post office is humming as usual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am

that's good -- yeah, most of us have nowhere to go, i think
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Handy Haversack:

Can't wait till we can come back out and help again, @Joe! Will be a triumph.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Rob W:

Thanks Handy Haversack and all our illustrious volunteers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
David (in London):

Hope you're managing to maintain 1 JRu on your commute Joe. (Joey Ramone has here been made the official unit of social distancing following Handy's suggestion).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am
Joe McG:

@David: I drive here so I'm socially isolated even in my car.
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Handy Haversack:

Gotta think that was "we frack the Earth" in both resource-extraction and Battlestar Galactica senses.

@David: I think the JRu was invented on yet another accu board last week some time -- but I am happy to propagate the message. I, for one, don't want to be buried in a pet sematary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Kat in Chicago:

Great to hear you, Joe. I signed into WFMU before I signed into my work email - priorities! I normally don't get to listen to much of your show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

good morning home now listening ,,no where else I'd rather be !<>! and great that you're here too Joe !<>!
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Handy Haversack:

Ha, @Kat: me too! Priorities!
Avatar 9:58am
Jim Price:

Joe, have you checked the station dope closet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Joe McG:

@Jim: Still pretty fully stocked, Jim. Thanks for checking!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Haiku Henry:

Joe, Thanks for the lovely soundtrack while working from home.
Avatar 10:02am

Lolz I just remembered I had a dream last night that I was participating in some kind of martial arts tournament and Paul McCartney was one of the officiators.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Irene Trudel:

Too bad Cuomo hasn't been able to push through the recreational marijuana law. Wouldn’t that be considered an essential service?

Handy Haversack- what, you don’t wanna live this life again?

@Irene. Heh. Personally, I'm too close to a 'dispensary' and I have a lot of time on my hands, so as far as essential goes..um...what were we saying?
Avatar 10:06am

I'm all for legalization, but has anyone else noticed how much more NYC stanks since the laws were relaxed?
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dave wuz here:

stockpile toilet paper and weed-just for shits and giggles
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Haiku Henry:

Irene, same boat here in NJ. Murphy did deem medical dispensaries an essential service along with liquor stores. I assume the same in NY.
ami ad:

What is S.M Kens' ratio of Bleach to water?
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Handy Haversack:

@dave wuz here: I declare it the jape of the season!
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dave wuz here:

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LW Rhino:

@dav wuz here: That is some good advice.
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Kat in Chicago:

@Roberto I have definitely noticed how much more my apartment building stanks since Illinois legalized it :) I don't partake at present, but I don't mind it.
Avatar 10:13am

I mind it. It's narsty. Sometimes I play a little game: skunk or weed?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am

Morning all. Full disclosure - not wearing a mask. Or pants.

I was thoroughly enjoyed California's relaxed laws earlier this month. So nice to go to a dispensary to buy in small quantities as needed. In NYC, I have noticed an increase in aromas, which I find quite pleasant.
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Kat in Chicago:

I would feel weird working without pants! I've been showering and everything.

That's enjoying.

@ami ad I hope he’s diluting somewhere around
1/3C bleach per gallon water
2T bleach per quart water
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Handy Haversack:

What a great set, Joe!

And speaking of enjoyment, I am thoroughly enjoying your show as always, Joe!
Avatar 10:17am

Love it...
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Handy Haversack:

Alternative lyrics:

"There's something red in Spanish olives ...
How did they get it there?
It doesn't seem quite fair
That there should be a red thing where the pit once was ...
But then it is quite tasty."

Sing along now, There is no bumf in Spanish Harlem...
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@Irene I like catching a whiff on the streets these days too, except for the present virusy moment.
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...actually I am wearing pants. But not in my MIND. I don't bother showering until after I teach home-school P. E. class for my "lunch" break".
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Ken From Hyde Park:

At 10:30, we'll find out the effects of bleach residue on 45 RPM records. Hopefully, it won't cause a drastic increase of surface noise.
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what's next, the Midtown Blues?
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

Do not go downtown BTW.

Monkee reruns on ME-TV Sundays 5PM
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Nobody go downtown!!!
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Handy Haversack:

Ach! Doontoon!
Avatar 10:19am

Was just listening to "public" radio news. If I heard them correctly, most, if not all, NYC buses will now be free.
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Was shazaming this Ventures version of "Dowtown", got "Island In The Sun" from Weezer as result ...
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Handy Haversack:

@TDK60: Right. Board from the back, no card swiping. Keep the drivers isolated.
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Man, they killed OTA MeTV in Denver, and replaced it with some bullshit warmonger apologetics called "Heroes & Icons". Been rationing my recorded Svengoolies.
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And before that even another wrong result I don't know – seems tricky for Shazam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am

@TDK true. You have to enter from the rear of the bus - so those are free. Select Service/express buses are still paid since you pay at a kiosk

Tdk60- pandemics are getting the demands that the rads want, what next abolishing rent?!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I understand a side effect of the coronavirus is that the afflicted temporarily lose their sense of smell, so if you don't smell that smell, take precautions!
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Zivilars that rules! Joe I loved that Agincourt song, never heard of them. You are such a teacher!
Avatar 10:22am
Todd-o-phonic Todd:

Hey Joe. Thanks for board oping on Saturday.
ami ad:

@kevlicki: Thanks.Will that help with moldy situations too?
Avatar 10:22am

Well based on your all's opinions, I should have smoked more weed in college so I'd be more immune to the odor.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Ooh, hi Todd. Fancy bumping into you here! :D
Avatar 10:23am

Hi Kevlicki. That's funny. My building put up notices in the elevator that they still want April rent. I don't know; maybe, maybe not......

I'd like to temporarily lose my sense of hell.
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Irene Trudel:

@TDK60, that's sort of true for NYC busses. People will be required to enter from the rear doors. But Select Bus service will still require a paid slip.

hey joe great to hear you live.
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Joe McG:

@RBR: It's a really nice record, as is the "Alice" record by the same two dudes, John Howell and John Fernandez (if memory serves!). @Todd: Great interview, Todd. Worth the re-hearing. @Irene: Always nice to have you here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Don't pay rent
Avatar 10:26am

Thanks Irene and all. And on the SBS buses, anyway, you only have to show the stub if an MTA payment squad comes on board, which doesn't happen often.
ami ad:

Don't pay rent
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Brian in UK:

Because of this crisis will Single File start on time?
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Creature Boy:

Hello everyone
Marley Dogg:

joe - thanks for being on today and for the great tunes - yip yip 4ever
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Handy Haversack:

Is the rent strike beginning?
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Brian in UK:

Joe, which album is a good primer for Swamp Dogg?
Neil M:

Never tired of Swamp Dogg! I saw him live in Bklyn several years ago. There were about 12 people in the audience. When he closed the show with "Gotta Get a Message To You" the band outro'd as he stepped off stage and shook the hand of everyone in the audience. I loved it so much.
Jeffrey Davison:

Sooooo good to hear Joe's voice and Surface Noise today. Good morning all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am

@handy I guess depends where you live, but it's best to do it collectively and start early.
Avatar 10:31am

I didn't realize Norma Tanega had passed. Rippy.
ami ad:

My absentee slumlord hasn't been getting rent in a year and a half and counting.Strike them down.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Neil M cool story!
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Handy Haversack:

Agreed, @EG_Astro. I just get 98 percent of my news from these boards so wasn't sure where attitudes stood.
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J McG! Thank you for all you're doing for FMU right now. We're listening and so happy to hear you broadcasting live
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Kat in Chicago:

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aw shucks thank you Joe!
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Boney Joe!
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Greg from ZONE 5:

You have performing in your blood, JMC. You are a Hoof & Mouth MARVEL.

Ami ad- I’m not sure about mold, but bleach does become ineffective when it’s proportions are higher, something about the pH...
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Joe McG:

@Faye: Matt F said Top 10, and I agree totally. Top 3 of all-time for me. :) Hi, Suzy and rich and all! Nice to have everyone here to keep me company.
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Brian in UK:

When I worked in the Post Office, I served Gordon Waller, sometime in the early 80s. He was with his Mum.
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Worthy flip of Lady Godiva.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

@Handy, there are numerous resources out there for rent strike in your city. If you'd like, I could forward you links - checking out Mutual Aid groups in your city is a great place to start though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

are we talking about Faye's hoof n mouth? I also thought it was great!
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Joe McG:

@Greag: Aw, thanks, man! Your "Roadrunner" is indelibly printed in my brain. Ace!


Rent Freeze Now

tim from Champaign:

Hi Joe and everybody! Good to hear you live Joe,
Avatar 10:41am

We haven't gotten a penny of rent from our cat in years. We just gave up.
Earth Walker:

Hallelujah ! Clap your hands !
ami ad:

@kevlicki:Hope S.M. Ken got the right ratio going.Keep on the good fight.
Earth Walker:

Great music
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Handy Haversack:

@EG_Astro: Thanks, friend! I will start there and see what I can see!
Avatar 10:44am

Nice one!
Earth Walker:

Yeeeeeeee. Haaaa
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<sobbing, clapping>
Earth Walker:

Get up and dance sisters and brothers
Avatar 10:45am
Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Wow, they really "swung low" on that one (The O.G. Harmonicats)! Lovin' the show today, Joe. Strange to be listening to "Surface Noise" from my home office, but it's definitely a positive side effect of this plaguey stuff. Better coffee, for one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am

my dear spouse is a preschool teacher and is currently teleconferencing with her class; sounds fun
tim from Champaign:

That’s right, Joe. Send ‘em to church!
Avatar 10:46am

@Itzall: I've been roasting at home, so we're having the best coffee ever.
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Us folx could use some churchin'-up!
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i'm so glad roasting is legal now
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I thought we already had the "roasting at home" conversation...
Earth Walker:

Crudbringer. ha ha ha. Crocodile tears ?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@ βrian - How's your fennel situation doing this week?
Bill from RockTavern:

Hey Joe thank you being there for us and helping us keep our sanity..
Avatar 10:48am

Still dire. We may venture out today in search of.
Avatar 10:51am
Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Dear Brian, if you roast-your-own, what method or equipment do you use? I have access to "green" java beans at our farmers' market, but have no clue how to make them brew ready.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

OOOoohh REM!! Thumbs up my favorite band :)
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Handy Haversack:

Oh wow. The single soothingest thing you can do to my brain is just play the backing vocals from this song.

Thanks, Joe. I love this so much.
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Jeff Golick:

Stipe had a moving, sweet ig video making the rounds recently. Hi, Joe, Jovians.
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Johnny has yelled from the other room "ooh! he's playing REM!"
Wilson in SO:

Oh my sweet Jebus I know time's tough but why am I hearing so much R.E.M. on WFMU???
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Baja Joe:

Nice version of Maps & Legends
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I use the "dog bowl" method, which means stirring the beans in a stainless steel bowl while blasting them with a heat gun. It requires great ventilation.

The "Lollipop" Chordettes?
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Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

LOVE R.E.M. (hometown heroes and all), Stipe is awesome and I really think he is one of "pop" music's greatest vocalists. Golden Palominos forever!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:53am

Gorgeous song...
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

Fables was and remains my favorite REM album. This version is the flip of “The One I Love” IIRC.
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Maggie B.:

Thank you for playing this REM, Joe.
Bill W:

Greetings Joe and all. REM fine with me.
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Joe McG:

@Paul: The same!
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Handy Haversack:

(Which my brain is happy to supply for this version!)
Avatar 10:55am
Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Haha. Thanks, βrian- I believe I will continue to patronize the people who do this FOR my enjoyment; not sure I'm ready for shousugiban beanz...
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I need this to stay calm. First day on a long-fought-for new permanent (allegedly) gig. Got an email from HR, reached out to my new bosses, and so far...no pingback since 9 AM. also found out that the pharmacy can't deliver one of my 2 meds as it's a controlled substance...sigh...trying not to stress.

@Joe: Wow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Joe McG:

@Wilson: If you hated the R.E.M., you're really gonna hate the 45 I have left to end with. Sorry!
Earth Walker:

Me and my lonely room
So apropos
Earth Walker:

Stones. Turn up the volume
Avatar 10:58am

Always a fav!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

one step ahead of you, ew
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I love me some REM. Actually just listened to the Chronic Town EP for the first time in ages last night. Also digging this Stones.
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Joe McG:

Ronnie Wood's bass on this song sounds insane on the 45 coming out of the studio speakers.
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

This Stones song was all over WABC radio back in ‘78.
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Hughie Considine:

I've seen this track on several of the more optimistic mixes people have made recently, as opposed to mixes heavy on songs with dystopian or social distancing themes...
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disco stones is the best stones
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@Joe McG I love the sparseness of this song...especially the sax. I also think it's one of Jagger's more interesting vocal pieces...
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I love Emotional Rescue. A few other good songs on the LP. Does anybody know what's at the corner of W. 8th St. and 6th Avenue, referenced in the song Dance Pt. 2?
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Glorious Estephonic:

THank you thank you thank you thank you thank you <3 <3 <3
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Handy Haversack:

Sending good wishes, @Threemoons.

REM was my first concert -- then saw them twice more on the Green tour. Highlight was Drivin' 'n' Cryin' opening at the Fox Theater for the last gig of the tour.
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Hughie Considine:

@Jeff, close enough. Some Girls was '78, this was two years later.
Jeff Formerly from Rahway:

Oops I meant 1980. Time is a blur.
Rachel Bo Bachel:

Colleen do you think he’s playing this Stones for Clay? ;D
garreto del ray:

All good. Music of our lives... somebody's life, somewhere. Stipe latest solo sounded pretty good... moving somewhere, if not forward. Ok, look busy.

Whole Emotional Rescue album sounds so good, beginning to end
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Love it!
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Joe this Stones needs to be played at 33.
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Hughie Considine:

@Jeff, I hear that.
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Black And Blue was such a great record
garreto del ray:

stones disco period
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

@Jeff Golick! Have you downloaded digital pinball on your phone yet to scratch the itch of our hand/germ intense hobby we need to refrain from for the time being?
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Brian in UK:

Charlie Watts holds all the Stones music together.
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Krista with a K:

Some Girls will always be my favorite Stones album.
Avatar 11:03am

Heya Joe, Mick, Keith, Charlie and session player.
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Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

OMG! Joe?
JOE!?! Where'd ya' go, man?!? Sure hope this is only a "streaming" issue- I got nothing but dead air here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am

morning joe da man!
Earth Walker:

This background music is so Sweet
What is it
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Thank you @Handy
Avatar 11:04am

Woo, corner of 6th Ave. & 8th St.? Referenced where?
garreto del ray:

disco period- follow the bass line... and the money
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Glorious Estephonic:

REM was my first concert in the 6th grade ! with my whole family of 8 !

My first concert was Faces (with Ron Wood!)
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Handy Haversack:

That "Radio Free Europe" one week and one day (!!!!) ago was AMAZING! That is NOT and easy song. I have karaoke-ruined it many, many times.
garreto del ray:

jagger was doing more of a BeeGees falsie on that one. definite period item
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My first concert was The Who, McNichols Arena in Denver.
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sounds like it would of fitted perfectly on tattoo you
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Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Am I alone in not hearing anything? Last thing I heard was a needle skip at the end of Emotional Rescue, now just silence. Do I need to sanitize my browser?!?
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oh i guess it was one year before tattoo you
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The Oscar:

Love Salesman (though I'd be remiss in my film-critic duties if I didn't point out it's actually the Maysles brothers, not Wiseman). If you haven't seen it, Bill Hader and Fred Armisen did a great parody of it on Documentary Now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am

@Itz yeah, maybe reboot all your Internet Things - streaming fine here in the Rocky Mountains. Right now Joe is talking about FMU lockdown & pledge info.
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Handy Haversack:

@Itzall -- the surface noise and Surface Noise started back up right away for me after that song. Restart the stream?
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The reason I ask is 6th Ave. & 8th St. used to be a kind of NYC Hyde Park. Political groups would set up card tables, leaflet and give speeches, argue with each other. Sometimes the cops would chase them away. I think that was in the '60s thru '70s but don't know if it lasted till around 1980's Emotional Rescue. A bit of old lost New York.

that weird fey falsetto Otis Redding thing on Emotional Rescue is pretty special tho
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am

Morning Joe and noisy surfaces, from San Gabriel, CA
karen eliot:

good morning
my first concert was the kinks. i was I very underage. my son’s was the first lollapalooza. he was in a front pack. the 90s!
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Handy Haversack:

Morning, Chresti!
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@TDK60, it's Dance Pt. 1 (not 2) Hey, what am I doing standing here on the corner of West 8th Street and the 6th Avenue and / Ah, skip it / Nothing. Keith! What you doing?
garreto del ray:

the swag is in the listening
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thanks for keeping the wfmu train going Joe & the skeletons!! c¦:-D
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Hi Handy!
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@chresti, waiting for your report on the under-couch drugs.
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Handy Haversack:

@Woo: Village Cigars?
Earth Walker:

TDK. Remember Washington Square Park in the Village. What a party that park was
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first concert was Daniel johnston 8th grade at cactus cafe, me and my dad got taco cabana before hand my mom threw away his autograph i got on a napkin unfourtantly
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I keep looking in my pantry stash of booze....thinking ...is it too soon???
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Hi Carmichael, we do not have a couch, that is the problem.
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Thank you Joe and team for keeping the station running!
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What is time
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dave wuz here:

swag- i kinda feel like my wfmu t shirt is a frivolous thing to burden the delivery systems with at the moment. my ups /postal guy deserves the lightest load possible to reduce transmission contacts.
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Woo, well 8th St. & 6th Ave is in the heart of the Village, lotsa bohemians. And the Stones showed up too, huh.
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, that would make it all trickier, @chresti.
Avatar 11:15am

If Franco imagined a couch, then the drugs must have been great!
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Listening Out There:

Greetings, fellow shut-ins. Am enjoying the program this AM, as usual...
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Handy Haversack:

Now this is some good Peel!
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I slept in, sorry to miss the Drone in Griffith Park song.
Franco is still trippin!
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Brian in UK:

RVG on the very English pop label, Fire.
garreto del ray:

maybe we can DIY our own swag-shirt and swag-stuff
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Mike Sin:

Joe -- can't thank you enough for keeping WFMU rolling on with live content. WFMU is so important right now.
karen eliot:

@collene it’s 4pm somewhere. mimosas are delicious. not to be discouraging or preachy but it’s not good for the immune system.
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Brian in UK:

Hello chresti.
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a printable stencil would be rad
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Thanks for keeping the flame going, Joe!

Hello Brian.
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Kat in Chicago:

I mean, it's not like I haven't waited till August for my swag before :) seriously, no rush! (in fairness, it showed up quite promptly last year.)
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dave wuz here:

swag pt 2- plus, i am sure some pledge $ will dissappear as people make hard choices. better the station keep the postage $ at this point
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..in UK, howzit going_
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The Oscar:

First concert I "actively" went to was Weird Al when I was 14 (though my parents took me to jazz shows occasionally before that, and strictly speaking my *first* concert was probably Raffi on the Baby Beluga tour!)
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Joe McG:

@Kat: Yeah, you're right, Kat! At our best we're a bit, ah...sluggish!
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This track is relevant in the current state of affairs.
garreto del ray:

stencil works. then its authorized, approved and accepted... et-shit-al
Avatar 11:20am

This is a fun little mantra
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Kat in Chicago:

I'm teasing, Joe, I think y'all do an amazing job. I think Bryce was to blame that year with his blender shirt premium! (which was worth the wait)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am

re Shopping
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

Joe, are you sheltering at the station?
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Karen!! Ok ...Good!...I wont drink for my immune system!! (yet)
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Kat in Chicago:

I certainly have plenty of WFMU-emblazoned items to display in the meantime, once we finally all get out and about again.
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Joe McG:

Thanks to everyone for you nice comments and for keeping WFMU going. We're doing the broadcasting, but the only reason we're here is because you allow us to be.

Does my heart good to hear your talk-over music Joe! FMU will definitely help me and my crew get through this. Stay healthy and be safe. Thanks to all DJs whether they can do a live show or not. We love you all! Sorry to get sappy when the Au Pairs are playing. How embarrasso.
Brian in UK:

Chresti, got a streaming cold, beautiful weather and a lot of people do not believe in staying safe. We are thick, arrogant pricks sometimes.
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Kat in Chicago:

LOL i was searching online for cable ties, the kind you tie cables with, yesterday and this band kept coming up! I wasn't even aware of their existence previously.
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Amen, HankyTee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am

@Kat: you trained your google well. Mark Hurst wouldn't approve, but it does help when looking up obscure bands with search-unfriendly names
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am

(My official WFMU cable-knit tie arrived yesterday.)
garreto del ray:

dont know about anyone else but a fresh, real dj in real time is way better than canned or synthetic stuff. very organic.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Random thought - To get the station over the final $55k hump, one of the DJs can offer an extra biohazard pledge icon, similar to the ones available on the W&B, Matt, Michele, the Kens and Sheila shows.
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Kat in Chicago:

I'm not moving any time soon - especially now - but I decided I had to deal with this since I'm home and stuff local.theonion.com...
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Handy Haversack:

Dag, Joe, this set is great.

This reminds me of the pretenders.
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Kat in Chicago:

Not a bad idea, KFHP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am

Oh, who does this Cable Ties remind me of?!?!?
tim from Champaign:

Thanks again Joe for keeping the station rolling! I’m going to dip out for a while. See everybody later!
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Kevlicki (earlier), a rent strike sounds like a good idea.
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Kat in Chicago:

I'm thinking Sleater-Kinney a lil bit?
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Clay would love Cable Ties.
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@mariano: rush?
garreto del ray:

virtual vibe here, now is quite nifty
mike east:

Holy hell...I just had to share this cable ties track with everyone I know...kicks so much ass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

Those chords, that progression - I know it, dammit, just can't call it to mind. @Kat - yes, actually, that could well be it, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

BIUK,Yesterday I went to work (Griffith Park tennis courts, by the Greek Theatre), People came out in droves to hike on the trails, prompting the Mayor to tweet later that he's gonna shutdown all city parks and beaches.
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Joe McG:

Great lyrics in "Hope": "It might be hopeless, but if I lose hope/I bring on that ending."
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Haha, @steveo! Was thinking more Styx...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am

better than both of those, but yeah
garreto del ray:

chord vs. cords
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Handy Haversack:

Relaying playlist updates to Kate who's exercising at the other end of the railroad and listening over FM. That Cable Ties was fantastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am

Joe, you rock. WFMU is my lighthouse in the storm.
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Franco Twinkie:

Brian in UK, This morning I walked out into the early slanting sunlight and saw my breath. I was mortified to see how many particles of moisture were suspended in the air. My advice: RUN!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

@mariano: that's one of things I hate about being old: sometimes half memories get in the way of enjoying the music as it's happening

Thank you, Joe!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

Hadn't heard "Hope" until now but wow. Cable Ties "Sandcastles" is another earworm, too. I can hear a little of A Giant Dog and Savages in the vocals
garreto del ray:

run from ourselves?

Just back from Madrid shopping: hail and rain and thunder and lightening.
Heard another yank on his phone saying he was waiting for the frogs raining down..
Not a request for a Frogs 45 - but tahat coulna' hurt...
ACCHHHH!!! what a world..
Thanks Joe!!!!

@Kat, Love the onion article. :} I have about three times that many cables and wires. They've moved about 5 times. I left Chicago almost exactly ten years ago.
karen eliot:

i’m not above having a breakfast drink. great show! thanks wfmu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am

Run from the breath particles.
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Franco Twinkie:

Garreto, doesn't hurt to practice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am

@kenzo, i like the way there's a little animation when a new row gets added to the playlist table -- bloop!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am

@fred - yeah, the amount of stuff to remember once you're past a certain age gets to be too much.
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Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Dear Cruddy & Handy, thanks- I reloaded and now I've got all the joe I need, as the lord intended. Just in time for PVA! So hard to telecommute, stream, facebook and pet the cat whilst drinking home brewed coffee, but I'm trying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am

steveo, yes, it's a smooth fade-in, instead of a jump.
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@mndave the worst part about a giant dog is that it occupies all the guitarist
time away from tear dungeon. imo a way better band
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Kat in Chicago:

@paul I haven't had cable TV for almost ten years now, but I have a bunch of rather nice video cables it seems wrong to throw away or even to bring in for recycling. Wondering if there's somewhere to donate them?
wild neil peace:

pva is great! dark wave!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37am

Listening and digging!
garreto del ray:

memory? just dusty shadows. no biggie. what, where are those chords, cords?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am

Hi Stanley!
Earth Walker:

Yo Morphe. If the thunder don’t get ya then the lightning will
Are you using the water resistant shopping bag method ?
I’ve been out and under the radar
All’s well ?
garreto del ray:

what, where has mon morn focus gone?

My current Madrid sign off:

What times we live in???
Waiting for the locusts from Kenya/South Asia/MiddleEast and the raining frogs and toads and then insufferable drought, firestorms
and the Nov elections....

Must laugh in the face of death...
Avatar 11:40am

@Crudbringer: Is that cable knit tie a joke?! If not I need to know where to get one!!! If it was, I'm an idiot.
Earth Walker:

What doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger
Earth Walker:

We shall overcome come some day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am

@hans sorry, wish it were true.
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Julien à Montréal:

Yeah! Decades! i needed that. Thank you Joe.
Avatar 11:42am

first joy division album i had
Brian in UK:

Just been wrestling the rotavator. Time to stop.

@Kat: I wonder if a school could use them. But they probably have their own piles lying around.
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Loving this Joy Division right about now.
Avatar 11:46am

Thinkin' of taking an early nap. Why not? I can house clean later.
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closer > unknown pleasures
garreto del ray:

a rotovator or soil tiller. useful for growing a garden
Avatar 11:49am

Been a little busy with the work from home today, nice soothing set joe! Thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am

beautiful track

chiaroscuro - our times...
Call up the Breugel's and the Bosch's =
paintings for These days..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am

Celtic languages are especially beautiful when sung.
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Handy Haversack:

We watched a little TV last night, and whenever characters would touch or hug, I couldn't help flinching a little!

Call up the Ensors!

great show Joe!
Ochre Ogre:

Great show Joe, Thanks! And thanks for the essential work you do for Thee Station of the Nation.
Brian in UK:

@Garreto del ray, see my avatar. A Howard 350, early Sixties vintage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am

Haha Handy.
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Chresti, are tennis balls running out?
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:54am

ExtraDoubleThanks, Joe. Take care.

Thanks, Joe McG.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Thanks so much for keeping things running, Joe - you and everyone there at FMU making sure the torch doesn't go out. Everyone be safe.
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Joe McG:

Thanks for listening and commenting, everybody. Hang in there! Be back next week with another new show.
Avatar 11:55am

great show

Good afternoon be safe everyone!

Getting a heavy The Band vibe from Eggs over Easy.
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Handy Haversack:

Dag, almost noon! Joe, I never get tired of saying it: THANK YOU, to you and all the Skeleton Crew and all the remote DJs. You all are a Good.

Good chatting with you fine folx, too!

Killer show, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Thanks Joe McG - great (live!) set for this rainy day in NYC. Appreciate the beacon that is WFMU.

Thanks Joe..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Thanks Joe, stay safe everybody
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Thanks Joe! Hang in there, everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Hello allz ya'llz riding out the timez with WFMU soundtrack. Thank you Joe for the soundz and all else that you do.
Avatar 11:56am

Well thanks, Joe.
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Jim Price:

Good job Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

TDK60, not yet, I'm home because it rained, people don't like wet tennis balls. Also standing by to see if the Mayor's tweet becomes official.
garreto del ray:

our times. duly noted, morphe. brian in uk, that 350 is a brut. could do some real work with that. does it have a recoil starter or you have to hand wind it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Kat in Chicago:

Thank you, Joe!
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listener 126464:

Thanks Joe!

Thanks Joe, great comforting show.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Thank you Joe! Been here since the Yips, but haven't been able to chime in. Disco Stones cracked me up (one of the first records I bought with my own money) and Joy Division got my girlfriend's attention (from her 'desk' cobbled together out of books and butcher block in the other room)

All hail the Skeleton Crew!
Avatar 11:57am
Itzall Gön'gett-Bettresuhnn:

Thank you, Joe! Hunker down, stay well.
tom from Boonton:

hello Joe, hello everyone. just another grateful being saying thank you Joe and thank you WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Thanks Joe!

Thanks Joe! Been listening while doing other things.
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Phil in Charlotte:

Thank you Joe, WFMU skeletons! Take care fellow listeners and travelers!
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Julien à Montréal:

Thanks Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Thanks Joe! Stay safe everyone!
Listener Robert:

Thanks, Mr. McG. Maybe things'll be back to normal next week.
Avatar 11:59am

Siesta time..
garreto del ray:

well spent time here. thanks all, j.m. and the mighty fmu. now to work on the stencil theme and other paperwork
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